I've been slack in posting because I have, over the past month, been sucked into the administrative side of academia.
A month might not seem like a long time but believe me when I tell you that a months involvement in medical school administration can teach one a life full of lessons. I wouldn't have believed it myself before experiencing it, so take my word on this.
In the past month I have learned:
A month might not seem like a long time but believe me when I tell you that a months involvement in medical school administration can teach one a life full of lessons. I wouldn't have believed it myself before experiencing it, so take my word on this.
In the past month I have learned:
- how to defend myself and my students without being defensive. This is huge.
- how to defend medical students who need defense without defensiveness.
- how to stop defending medical students whose only defense is defensiveness.
- when to admit that a medical student should just fail. Full. Stop.
I, for one, am proud of you. If more substandard students were weeded out earlier in the process (or not admitted in the first place; excuse me while I swoon at THAT thought) it would lead to far less heartbreak at the other end of the process.
It sounds like it was a confusing month. Well, at least I'm confused by it.
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